Digital Marketing Agency, Website designers in Lagos

An opportunity

for your brand to shine!

If you missed having online exposure for products and service you offer, Then you probably don’t want to stand out!
Today’s buyers prefer brands that already exist online. So offering your products and services online present a greater opportunity for your brand to shine!
We will start you off with a stunning custom-made website that Integrates easily with your favourite marketing tools. Making the task of growing your business fast, easy and less expensive.

What is a Website Usability Survey?

Website usability survey is a method of collecting feedback from website visitors to assess website usability. Visitors browsing your website are presented with a small survey asking about their thoughts on the website’s usability.

How Website Usability Surveys Help Create Better Websites?

What are the elements that work well and what do visitors like about your website? What problems visitors face and what causes them? What would they improve? Does the website look and work well on their devices?

Website usability surveys will help you find answers to all such questions. Collected insights will help you improve the usability of your website.

Answers will show you what elements are working well and what should be improved. To achieve the most reliable results, a website usability survey should be combined with quantitative analysis conducted with tools like Google Analytics. In GA, you can see which pages are underperforming (high exit rates, short visit duration, etc.).

Start with triggering a survey there to solve the most important problems. Combining qualitative and quantitative analysis will provide a holistic understanding of what is happening on your website and what visitors are doing.


Samples Of Website Usability Survey

1. What task did you want to accomplish on this website?
2. Were you able to find the information you were looking for on our website?
3. How clear is our website?
4. How can we improve our website?
5. Why have you decided to exit our website?